English Grammar Quiz 9 | Ingraji Vyakaran Saraw Prashna uttare | Quiz 91
Ingraji Vyakaran Saraw Prashna Uttare: English Grammar is an Important Subject in any competitive Exams like MPSC Rajyaseva, Combine, Group C, ZP, Talathi, Police Bharti etc. Solving Mock Test is the best way to practice English Grammar. Here we are providing Free English Grammar Mock Test. Solve It, Practice It and Check Your Score.
आम्ही आमच्या ह्या वेबसाइटवर सराव प्रश्नांद्वारे इंग्रजी व्याकरणावर आधारित प्रश्नसंच पुरविण्याचा प्रयत्न करीत आहो जेणेकरून आपला अभ्यास होत राहील हा सराव प्रश्नसंच सोडवून झाल्यावर कृपया याची लिंक आपल्या मित्रमैत्रिणींसोबत शेयर करा म्हणजे त्यांचा देखील अभ्यास होईल. त्याच प्रमाणे आमच्या ‘स्पर्धांकुर – Spardhankur‘ ह्या युट्यूब चणेलला भेट द्यायला विसरू नका.
Ingraji Vyakaran Saraw Prashna uttare
#1. You will need to ………….. the subject in greater detail. Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence meaningfully.
#2. Complete the sentence choosing the correct alternative. He failed to ………… at the right time and missed the train.
#3. CATCH the opportunity when it comes. Choose the correct word to replace the Bold word.
#4. Love your country. Change into passive voice.
#5. She could have solved the problem. Change the Voice.
#6. Synonym of ‘Abrupt’
Abrupt = आकस्मिक